Actual Theme

XL >> "Brave World"
25 Nov or 2 Dec 2017 - Living Room in Munich


1 - Can I participate?
Sure, this meetings are open to everyone.

2 - Do you accept any type of image?
Absolutely, so far we were able to project in a living room wall everything :) Diapositives, Negatives, Digital Photos, Handy Photos, Printed Photos, Videos, etc, etc and more! Regarding the contend keep in mind that we are not interested at all in gratuitous violence, pornography, promotion of illegal activities, spam and similar stuff.

3 - Im living really faraway from the next meeting living room, is there a way to participate?
Yes, you can send the work and we will project it. Possible as well to participate online by messenger/skype for example.

4 - Can the next meeting be in my living room?
Usually its decided among the Click People in the meeting, and before you host one could be great that you already presented a work. But there were exceptions :)

Something missing? Let us know!
