Actual Theme

XL >> "Brave World"
25 Nov or 2 Dec 2017 - Living Room in Munich

Saturday, February 25, 2012

XXXIII "Connections" - Meetings in March!!!

Tcham tcham here we are for another meeting, in fact 2, one in Luxembourg (host by Delphine and Tom) and another in Munich (host by Sérgio and Birgit). What a wonderfull connection :)
As you know feel free to appear, even better with photos, bring a popcorn or brezel, a soda or beer!!! 

Please just let us know (confirm) the presence to organize the logistic! So far we have:

Lux 6th March (X Works + Y curious peole) 
Munich 16th March (2 Works confirmed + 2 curious people without works) 

